Writings about Entreq products from Lotus Hifi


Since its release in 2015, the Poseidon has had a dramatic effect to the Entreq range. I find that it is now the most popular entry point for customers wanting to ground their system. Of course the  Silver Tellus and Minimus are still popular for more simplistic and modest systems but in a fairly high level system that is open and transparent, the power of the Poseidon is more appropriate and you benefit from a very good performance/£ ratio. The advantages of investing in a Posiedon package are largely twofold. Firstly, as well as grounding the signal planes of two [...]

5th March 2016|


Things are booming at Entreq and as a company they are developing and learning at a fast rate. In my first year take up and traction for this Sweedish brand has been immense and the responses to Entreq demos have been quite amazing. Out of all my brands you may be surprised to know that its been keeping me busier than almost anything else. Entreq passive grounding, whether at the simple level of a single minimus or at a more invested level, has proved a massive hit with customers. One of the reasons for this I think is that [...]

8th October 2015|

Entreq a huge hit with Devialet

My on site and home demos here at Lotus have shown Entreq grounding to provide a signficant result in nearly all systems. The magnitude of that effect does however vary a little with the brand of the partenring equipment. The power supplies and ground planes are designed differently across different manufacturers so its hardly surprising that some makes benefit even more from even a small dosage of Entreq. Of all the equipment tried so far though, perhaps the biggest upgrade using Entreq that we have observed has been with Devialet. The effect of using Entreq grounding or indeed their [...]

30th June 2014|

Introducing Entreq Grounding

Any discussion of the Entreq range has to start with their grounding products, not just because its fundamental to their whole approach but also because nearly all their other products like signal interconnects and mains cables, can themselves be grounded to further upgrade their performance. Passive grounding of audio equipment might be a completely new concept to you or you may have recently seen a few other companies offering products which offer something similar. Whichever camp you fall in, rest assured that Entreq have been doing this for about 15 years and simply hooking a single ground cable [...]

14th May 2014|

Lotus UK dealer for ENTREQ

I am very pleased to announce the exciting Swedish brand Entreq as the latest addition to the Lotus portfolio. After various trials it became very clear to me that the Entreq way of thinking fits in extremely well with what we do here. Not only does the Entreq philosophy mirror the sort of sound that I aspire to but their products also seem to marry beautifully with my other main resident players ... High Fidelity Cables, Allnic, Vitus to name but a few. Entreq ("energy transforming equipment") make passive grounding boxes, Interconnects and Mains equipment. All their products share [...]

1st May 2014|

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Lotus Hifi
Walton on Thames


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