SOULNOTE E2 Phono Preamp, £6800
Does the E2 change the landscape of sub £15,000 Phonostages ? After extensive trials against our existing roster and a good number of customer home trial reactions (often comparing it back to much more expensive rivals) we think so. The performance of this Phono is really quite staggering at the price. Incredibly bold and assured, the E2 also possesses the kind of clarity and dynamics that are usually only associated with very expensive and exotic stages. Superb harmonics and weight, exemplary soundtsaging, the E2 is one of those superstar pieces of Hifi that will help grow an entire brand all across the globe.
But the unprecedented performance/£ ratio is not the only standout facet of this unit. The feature set of the E2 is exhaustive. We can’t think of a Phono that packs as much functionality as this. Four inputs, including XLR and DS optical, equalisation curve controls for older records, a deguass/mute button, a -10db low gain option, a low cut options, phase invert and mono buttons, low capacitance controls for moving magnet, both single ended and XLR ouput. The E2 can be an end game solution to accomodate all requirements for life.