The SIA-025 is one of Lotus’s biggest sellers. An extraordinary achievement and an extraordinary single box amplifier that will surely go down in the Hifi halls of fame. Astonishingly pure and open with a level of dimensionality, intimacy and fine microdynamics that will rival lavish pre and power amps with far greater price tags. Liquid and organic yet extremely dynamic too and despite the rating, will drive pretty much any speaker you care to mention.

“The SIA-025 has been designed to accommodate many of our customers requests, for a real integrated amplifier in our high performance Signature Series.

But as usual, our design team went an extra mile. The result is not only an amplifier with 5 inputs (balanced and unbalanced), a preamplifier output (for biamping purposes) and balanced speaker outputs – it raises our technology to a new level of integration of parts. Integration was a major challenge, but necessary to fit all the parts into the fairly small chassis, which the SIA-025 shares with its siblings – the SS-010 and SS-050.

The output stage of the SIA-025, is taken from the SM-010 monaural amplifiers – sized to fit within one chassis with a balanced input buffer. The main task for this buffer, is to separate the new simplified relay based volume control from the selected source. By putting all our efforts into developing this true balanced integrated class A amplifier, we succeeded in making the new higher level of integration perform to the standards that any customer would expect from our Signature Series.

SIA-025 adds more flexibility in terms of more inputs, the possibility of bi-amping should it be needed and lastly a full bypass function for enabling compatibility with external surround processors. Together with our SCD-010, this amplifier will form a simple, cool looking system that delivers an incredible performance.”

Standard Finish: £24,000
Custom finish: £27,000

Late Q2 / 2010
Product Type:
Balanced Integrated Amplifier
2 x unbalanced (RCA)
3 x balanced (XLR)
1 x unbalanced sub-out (RCA)
1 x set balanced speaker out

130 x 435 x 430 mm
(H x W x D)

Total Weight:
42 Kg Output Power:
25wpc Cl.A (RMS)
100wpc Cl.AB (RMS)

Remote Controlled:
Yes, RC-010 included